
Is It Really Important to Chew Food 32 Times? Leave a comment

Digestion starts in our mouth, with chewing. The process of chewing is also termed as mastication.The major goal of chewing food is to break it down into simpler substances so that it becomes easy for our body to absorb the necessary nutrients to the maximum. This ultimately enhances our metabolism.


For healthy well-being, it is very important to chew your food 32 times. Here are some of the major changes you would see when you start following this simple practice.


People who chew food for longer absorb nutrients better and are produce less toxins. The smaller the molecules of food, the better the digestive enzymes can break them down and extract nutrition from it. You need nutrients for your deep seated bones and extreme exterior like hair and nails. The more you chew, the more you retain, absorb and assimilate and the less you waste through excretion.


Try this – take a piece of bread – whatever form of bread, whether it’s a slice of toast or a roti, and chew it 32 times. When it turns to sugar in your mouth, you know the carbohydrates have been fully broken down and what you’re tasting is sugar. Now imagine if you swallowed the same piece of bread instead of chewing it. It will sit in your stomach till it breaks down. It takes longer time and more effort to digest the same amount of food if chewing is not up to the mark.


We all know the post-meal energy drop that happens after a heavy meal. Brain fog, feeling sleepy, lethargic, sluggish…. this happens because the blood from your brain and extremities must rush to the stomach and digestive system, which is overloaded. Once again, a practical suggestion, for immediate implementation: chew every morsel thoroughly, after which you would normally have felt drowsy. Just see the difference that chewing produces. You have half-digested your food in your mouth, so less blood needs to rush to the stomach. The end result – you feel light and energetic at the end of the meal, instead of bloated. It’s one of the secrets of flat tummy. You need not to unbutton your pants after meals.


Research studies have shown that when we chew food thoroughly, we eat lesser portions and we lose weight. As Chewing your food properly ensures that the time duration of the food-intake process is optimum and elongated, so that the stomach is not overstuffed with food, if we eat in hurry. Stomach takes around 20 minutes to send signals of fullness to brain. Therefore, chewing food properly helps in avoiding overeating. Slowing down the process of chewing and eating, thus, can also aid in weight reduction and maintenance.


An old saying “Danton ka kaam Aanton ko doge toh bimaari aayegi.” What this means is “If you give your digestive system the work meant to be done by the teeth, you will invite diseases.” We are not just what we eat, but also how we eat. Disorders related to stomach and intestine like acidity, bloating , IBS or irritable bowel syndrome can be fixed by chewing well and even insomniacs sleep deeper and better by eating slowly and mindfully.


you must be wandering by reading this. Yes it is a good exercise for your facial muscles to prevent wrinlkes and fine lines. Isn’t it a beautiful by-product of this healthy eating habit?


In Indian tradition, chewing 32 times is linked to the number of teeth we have, which is 32. That is chewing 32 times, once for each tooth. Though this number is just to give us a fair idea to make our cell memory. This concept as also given by Horace Fletcher (1849–1919) who was an American health food enthusiast of the Victorian era who earned the nickname “The Great Masticator”, by arguing that food should be chewed thoroughly until liquefied before swallowing: “Nature will castigate those who don’t masticate”.
Developing this eating habit of prolonged chewing might seem difficult at first and you might also feel weird to chew your food that longer. But remember this simple lifestyle change is worth it. Consistency is the key. Very soon this reflex action will be developed and your body will thank you for that. Chewing is one of the ingrained habits, so if you feel you haven’t been chewing your food the correct way till now, you can change that easily. It is even more important to ingrain this habit in your kids when they are small.


To start with chew your food double the time you generally chew:

  • Take smaller bites of food , to begin with.
  • Smell your food before your first bite. Involve your other senses while eating; it will help to increase your food satisfaction.
  • Chew slowly and steadily
  • Eat in a relaxed, non-distracted environment. Eating on the run or while you’re working or watching TV is not conducive to proper chewing. Keep that mobile phone away while you eat!
  • Finish chewing and swallowing completely before taking another bite of food in your hand. Keep the cutlery down in between.

Aside from the potential health benefits, chewing properly also helps you to really enjoy your food! If you rush through your meal with hardly any chewing, you’re not really tasting or enjoying the food.

To Sum UpGive a good boost to your brain for adopting this healthy practice. Along with above said benefits, bonus will be your facial muscles exercise and beautiful jaw line. Ready -1-2-3——32.. In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!

To learn more about enhancing your digestion and weight loss journey, explore our comprehensive Weight Loss program.

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