Prep Time25 minsCook Time15 minsTotal Time40 minsYields1 Serving

Olive oil (जैतून का तेल)/ desi ghee (देसी घी)-2 tsp.
Finger Millet flour(बाजरे का आटा), nachani (नाचनी)- 30 gm
Black pepper powder (काली मिर्च पाउडर)-1/2 tsp.
Cumin powder (जीरा)- 1/2 tsp.
Chopped green chili (हरी मिर्च)- 1 tsp
Chopped capsicum (शिमला मिर्च)- 1 tbsp
Chopped onion (प्याज़)- 1 tbsp.
Finely chopped tomato(टमाटर)- 1 tbsp.
Grated carrot (गाजर)- 1 tbsp.
Curd (दही)- 1 tbsp. (optional)
Sesame seeds (तिल के बीज)- ½ tsp.
Fresh coriander leaves (धनिये के पत्ते) chopped
Salt (नमक) to taste
Water (पानी) as required
1Firstly, in a large bowl take all the dry ingredients and make a smooth batter with the help of water and curd.
3Add chopped capsicum, chopped onion, chopped coriander leaves, finely chopped tomato, grated carrot, green chilli (optional) and mix it well.
4Consistency like cheela batter.
5Heat oil/ghee in a pan; spread batter nicely at low flame.
6Cover and cook for 2 min. on medium flame. Flip and roast well from both sides.
7Serve with green chutney.
8Note:- If any of the ingredient is mentioned in the recipe is non- suiting to you, can skip or ask for a substitute.
Nutrition Facts
Servings 1
Olive oil (जैतून का तेल)/ desi ghee (देसी घी)-2 tsp.
Finger Millet flour(बाजरे का आटा), nachani (नाचनी)- 30 gm
Black pepper powder (काली मिर्च पाउडर)-1/2 tsp.
Cumin powder (जीरा)- 1/2 tsp.
Chopped green chili (हरी मिर्च)- 1 tsp
Chopped capsicum (शिमला मिर्च)- 1 tbsp
Chopped onion (प्याज़)- 1 tbsp.
Finely chopped tomato(टमाटर)- 1 tbsp.
Grated carrot (गाजर)- 1 tbsp.
Curd (दही)- 1 tbsp. (optional)
Sesame seeds (तिल के बीज)- ½ tsp.
Fresh coriander leaves (धनिये के पत्ते) chopped
Salt (नमक) to taste
Water (पानी) as required
1Firstly, in a large bowl take all the dry ingredients and make a smooth batter with the help of water and curd.
3Add chopped capsicum, chopped onion, chopped coriander leaves, finely chopped tomato, grated carrot, green chilli (optional) and mix it well.
4Consistency like cheela batter.
5Heat oil/ghee in a pan; spread batter nicely at low flame.
6Cover and cook for 2 min. on medium flame. Flip and roast well from both sides.
7Serve with green chutney.
8Note:- If any of the ingredient is mentioned in the recipe is non- suiting to you, can skip or ask for a substitute.
Ragi Chilla | Calcium Rich Recipe