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Spicy Kara Chutney

Yields1 ServingPrep Time15 minsCook Time5 minsTotal Time20 mins

 1 tbsp Chana dal (चना दाल)
 1 tbsp Dhuli Urad dal (उड़द की दाल)
 1 tsp Cumin seeds (जीरा)
 100 g Onion/Shallots (प्याज)
 100 g Tomato (टमाटर)
 1 Ginger (अदरक)
 34 Garlic (लहसुन)
 34 Red chilli/ Kashmiri chilli (soaked_
 Salt (नमक)
 15 ml Oil (तेल)
 1 tbsp Mustard seeds (सरसों के बीज)
 Curry leaves (करी पत्ते)

Heat up a pan, Add chana dal,urad dal, cumin, Cook until the dals & cumin are lightly browned & grind it.


Heat oil in a pan, Add garlic, ginger, onion, tomato, Kashmiri dried chilli, salt, & cover the lid and let it cook for 2-3 minutes on a low medium flame.


Grind it to a smooth paste.


Once done. Add an oil tadka of mustard seeds, curry leaves.